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Staff visit to Celsa

By October 10, 2023No Comments

Last week Mrs. Warren and Mr. Palmer-Smith visited the Celsa Manufacturing Plant on Rover Way. The manufacture  of iron and recycling of metals is part of the GCSE Science curriculum and they were looking at each of the processes involved to add more relevant and local information to lessons. They were also looking at how the processes can be taught as part of the National Curriculum for Wales through transition activities and collaboration with our feeder primary schools.

After being fully kitted out in lots of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) they had a full tour of the site from the waste metals coming in, to bales of rod and bar coming out. Discussions were had about the recycling of the old buildings on our new Lewis Road site and how they could potentially end up as part of the new build and how Green Steel is created due to Carbon Capture. We’re really excited about this partnership and can’t wait to get our plans in place. Thank you to Mr. James Ellis (Chair of Governors) for facilitating the visit.