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Dear Parent / Carer,

(Click/tap here to download the full letter in PDF form)

You may have already heard the announcement from the Cabinet Secretary for Education, Kirsty Williams, that all state schools in Wales will be closed after Friday 20th March.

We will do our utmost to keep the education of your children as normal as possible, although staff numbers are getting fewer as the days progress.

Your child was given an Independent Home Learning booklet yesterday morning, I would be grateful if you would read through it together to understand the process of our home learning arrangements. We
believe that, during an unknown length of time in isolation, it will be important for your child to have a daily routine to ensure that their wellbeing is protected. If your child was not in school yesterday, the
Independent Home Learning booklet is accessible using the QR code below or available through the OneDrive linked to their school email.

All work will be accessed online, you can log in at

If your child has forgotten their password contact:

Your child’s teacher will email at the start of each lesson to outline the expectations of the home learning lesson, which booklet to work from, which pages and which questions to answer etc.

There are also times-tables to practise and spellings of words to learn along with a suggested list of useful websites that can keep your child engaged and productive.

We would be grateful if you would keep an eye on what they are doing and ensure that they are keeping up to date with the work. Questions can be asked of teachers between the hours of 9.30am and 3.30pm.
If you or your child are unsure, please ask.

We will not be sending emails during the Easter break which lasts from the 4th to the 19th of April.

I will continue to keep in contact over the coming days and throughout the school closure to keep you updated, please follow our social media accounts and to get more regular updates.

In the meantime, I urge you to follow the advice from Public Health Wales and the Welsh Government.
Stay safe and look after your family and other members of our community.

Kind Regards,

Chris Norman
