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Dear Parent / Carer,

Click here to view the full letter (PDF)

I hope you and your family are well.

Further to the Minister’s announcement last week regarding the reopening of schools, we have now received the guidance documentation from the Welsh Government which will allow us to plan in detail.

There is quite a lot for us to decide in the coming weeks as we develop a model which will ensure that all pupils and staff are safe, however it is too soon to give you the precise details yet. At the moment I am able to confirm the following:

  • The provision will be for pupils in years 7, 8, 9 and 10
  • Pupils will not be in school full-time from 29th of June – they will be offered a number of sessions during that period
  • Pupils will be based in small groups, whole year groups will not be present at the same time
  • Plans are being made to allocate a base area for groups of pupils where they will remain for the whole of the session
  • Movement onto and around the school site will be controlled
  • Areas of the school are being organised to ensure that all pupils / staff maintain a 2-metre distance from each other at all times
  • Pupils will not be required to wear uniform

To help with our planning, I would very much appreciate it if you could complete a short survey by clicking on the link below. This will provide us with information as to whether or not you intend to send your child to school. Please note, you are not making a firm commitment and I know that circumstances can change at home but the information would be really helpful at this stage. The survey needs to be completed by 3pm on Friday 12th June.

Whether or not you decide to take-up the offer really is up to you; I know that some parents and carers have stated that they do not wish their son / daughter to attend and that is their right whilst
others have stated that they welcome the opportunity. I appreciate just how difficult this is for you and I will ensure that you have all of the information you require in order to make an informed decision.

All of us at Willows want pupils to return to school but I also have to ensure that when they do so, it can be done safely. As our plans develop, I will share them with you as I know how important it is for you to be able to make your own arrangements as well.

Thank you for your continued support,


Chris Norman
