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Dear Parent / Carer,

Click here for the full letter (PDF)

It’s the end of another busy term and we’ve had so many highlights. The Year 11 Role Model Event, a visit from the Tim Peake Virtual Reality Bus, pupil compositions being performed by a Symphony Orchestra at St. David’s Hall, some great success with our sporting teams and debating club, and pupils sharing the stage with Brendan Cole at the Millennium Centre to name but a few. You will be able to read more about these events and more in our upcoming edition of our magazine The Willows Way. Our pupils continue to demonstrate how hardworking and talented they are, and our staff continue to provide amazing opportunities for them to shine. All of this makes Willows High School such an amazing place to be.
As always, you can keep up to date with school news by following us on Twitter, visiting our Facebook account or downloading our app. There are more exciting experiences awaiting our pupils in the final term of the year. In the meantime, I ask for your support in a number of areas.

Jewellery/Mobile Phones/Make-up 

Please note that the only item of jewellery that is permitted in school is a wristwatch.
Whilst the impact that digital technology can have in the learning process is recognised, there is a clear mobile phone policy in school whereby pupils are able to bring them but they must not be seen/used during the school day unless permission is given from a member of staff. This also applies to headphones and pupils should not walk around school with these on display. Ideally, they should be handed into form tutors at the start of the day and collected at the end of school.
Non skin coloured makeup should not be worn, this includes false eyelashes, false nails of any kind and nail varnish.

School Uniform/equipment

Please can I remind you that uniform is compulsory at Willows High and that blazers should be worn by all year groups. If lost, ties and other equipment will be available to buy at breakfast club every morning.
We have seen a recent increase in pupils wearing trainers to school, which we would like to address. Trainers are designed to provide extra support to the feet for short periods of time. Too much of this extra support can lead to weaknesses in later life and that is why we have decided that school footwear should be sturdy black leather shoes. Your children’s bodies are still developing and we want them to have the best possible conditions to do so.

Last year, following a request from pupils, we permitted school shorts to be worn in the summer term. This will continue to be the case this year, but shorts must be grey, tailored and not have any logos on them. School shoes will still need to be worn.

Years 7, 8 & 9 National Tests

These will take place during the first two weeks of the summer term, the dates are:

  • Year 7: Numerical Reasoning – Wednesday 1st May, Reading – Monday 8th May
  • Year 8: Numerical Reasoning – Wednesday 1st May, Reading – Thursday 2nd May
  • Year 9: Numerical Reasoning – Wednesday 1st May, Reading – Thursday 2nd May

The Numerical Procedural test will completed online throughout the remainder of the academic year.
As we approach the examination and national test season, I would like to commend all of our pupils as they work so hard to prepare themselves. There is a large amount of pressure on young people at the moment and, whilst examinations and tests are important, I hope they remember that, as long as they can say they tried their best, they should feel happy and confident in what they’ve done.

Key Dates

The summer term starts on Monday 29th April. School is closed for a Professional Learning day on Friday 3rd May and for May Day on Monday 6th May.
Please encourage and support your child to keep active, visit the library and continue reading over the holiday.

Have a fantastic Easter break.

Chris Norman