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Letter to Parents 19/02/2021

By February 19, 2021No Comments


Revised proposals for the rebuild of Willows High School.

Dear parent/ carer,


In September 2019, Cardiff Council consulted on proposals to reorganise early years, primary school, secondary school and post-16 education in Adamsdown, Tremorfa and Splott. These proposals included the rebuild and expansion of Willows High School.


The Council would like to thank everybody who contributed to the original consultation.


Positive feedback was given through the consultation, but there were concerns raised regarding the proposals to develop part of Tremorfa Park, and locate a primary school and a secondary school on a single site. Comments were also received which called for Willows High School to be moved off the floodplain.


The consultation also showed that a majority were opposed to the plans relating to the request from the Catholic Archdiocese to close St Alban’s RC Primary School.


Cardiff Council has taken into consideration the views provided through the consultation which have helped shape revised proposals for Willows High School to be rebuilt on land at Lewis Road in Splott.


The Council has also considered revised birth rate data to update pupil number projections, which show that from September 2024 until September 2030, 6 forms of entry would be enough to meet the demand for secondary school places in the area, the same capacity as the current Willows High School.


Delivered under the Cardiff Council and Welsh Government Band B 21st Century Schools programme, proposals include:


  • building a new secondary school on Lewis Road, Splott to serve the Adamsdown, Splott and Tremorfa areas
  • providing access to high quality local sports facilities
  • a community focussed school with facilities available for use by the whole community outside of core school hours
  • enhanced pedestrian facilities to support active travel arrangements at Lewis Road
  • capacity for 900 places for learners aged 11 to 16, in line with the projected demand
  • pupils to remain at the existing Willows High School site until the new
    school build is complete to minimise the potential for disruption.


Flying Start is currently located at Willows High School and will continue on site until further notice whilst the Council explores a long term solution for the provision.


You will all have the opportunity to find out more about the revised proposals and to give your views during a non-statutory public engagement which will take place in Spring.

Further information about this will be published over the coming weeks.


Cynigion diwygiedig ar gyfer ailadeiladu Ysgol Uwchradd Willows.



Annwyl riant/ofalwr


Ym mis Medi 2019, ymgynghorodd Cyngor Caerdydd ar gynigion i ad-drefnu addysg blynyddoedd cynnar, ysgol gynradd, ysgol uwchradd ac ôl-16 yn Adamsdown, Tremorfa a Sblot. Roedd y cynigion hyn yn cynnwys ailadeiladu ac estyn Ysgol Uwchradd Willows.


Hoffai’r Cyngor ddiolch i bawb a gyfrannodd at yr ymgynghoriad gwreiddiol.


Rhoddwyd adborth cadarnhaol drwy’r ymgynghoriad, ond mynegwyd pryderon ynglŷn â’r cynigion i ddatblygu rhan o Barc Tremorfa, a lleoli ysgol gynradd ac ysgol uwchradd ar un safle. Derbyniwyd sylwadau hefyd a oedd yn galw am symud Ysgol Uwchradd Willows oddi ar y gorlifdir.


Dangosodd yr ymgynghoriad hefyd fod y mwyafrif yn gwrthwynebu’r cynlluniau sy’n ymwneud â’r cais gan yr Archesgobaeth Gatholig i gau Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig Sant Alban.


Mae Cyngor Caerdydd wedi ystyried y safbwyntiau a gyflwynwyd drwy’r ymgynghoriad sydd wedi helpu i lunio cynigion diwygiedig ar gyfer ailadeiladu Ysgol Uwchradd Willows ar dir yn Lewis Road yn Sblot.


Mae’r Cyngor hefyd wedi ystyried data cyfradd genedigaethau diwygiedig i ddiweddaru amcanestyniadau o ran niferoedd disgyblion, sy’n dangos y byddai 6 dosbarth mynediad yn ddigon i ateb y galw am leoedd mewn ysgolion uwchradd yn yr ardal o fis Medi 2024 tan fis Medi 2030, yr un nifer o leoedd sydd gan Ysgol Uwchradd Willows ar hyn o bryd.


Mae’r cynigion, a gyflawnir dan Raglen Ysgolion yr 21ain Ganrif Band B Cyngor Caerdydd a Llywodraeth Cymru, yn cynnwys:


  • adeiladu ysgol uwchradd newydd ar Lewis Road, Sblot ar gyfer ardaloedd Adamsdown, Sblot a Thremorfa
  • sicrhau cyfleusterau chwaraeon lleol o ansawdd uchel
  • ysgol â ffocws cymunedol gyda chyfleusterau ar gael i’w defnyddio gan y gymuned gyfan y tu allan i oriau ysgol craidd
  • cyfleusterau gwell i gerddwyr i gefnogi trefniadau teithio llesol yn Lewis Road
  • lle i 900 o ddysgwyr 11 i 16 oed, yn unol â’r galw a ragwelir
  • disgyblion i aros ar safle presennol Ysgol Uwchradd Willows nes y
    caiff adeiladau newydd yr ysgol eu cwblhau i leihau tarfu posibl.


Mae Dechrau’n Deg wedi’i leoli yn Ysgol Uwchradd Willows ar hyn o bryd a bydd yn parhau ar y safle nes y clywir yn wahanol wrth i’r Cyngor ystyried ateb hirdymor ar gyfer y ddarpariaeth.


Bydd cyfle i bob un ohonoch gael gwybod mwy am y cynigion diwygiedig ac i roi eich barn yn ystod cyfnod ymgysylltu anstatudol â’r cyhoedd a gaiff ei gynnal yn y gwanwyn.

Caiff mwy o wybodaeth am hyn ei chyhoeddi dros yr wythnosau nesaf.