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Dear Families,

I hope you and your family have had a good Christmas break. We are looking forward to welcoming all pupils back to school tomorrow, Thursday 6th

On their return, pupils will be expected to wear face coverings in internal spaces where social distancing cannot be maintained and for us this means classrooms, corridors, canteen areas and the Theatre. Face coverings will also need to be worn on school buses. Whilst we do have a supply of face coverings available in school, it would help considerably if pupils arrived with theirs at the start of the day. In addition, pupils are encouraged to take 3 lateral flow tests each week in order to provide an early indication of any infection, we suggest this is done on the mornings of Monday, Wednesday and Friday – again, we have a limited supply in school so if you are able to source these yourselves it would help us greatly.

If your child has any of the identified symptoms (a new continuous cough, a fever or high temperature, a loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste please do not send them in to school. If your child develops one of these symptoms they should follow the self-isolation guidance and you should apply for a coronavirus test. Please also follow the self-isolation rules for other members of the household. It is important that we are aware of positive PCR results of our pupils in order for us to identify if there are any clusters within school. If your child does receive a positive PCR (not lateral flow) please let us know using the email address including their full name, Year Group, Tutor Group and date of birth. As this is a rapidly changing situation, there is the possibility that arrangements may change and, if this is the case, I will put an announcement on Classcharts and put messages on our social media feeds as soon as possible. Thank you for your support during these most challenging times.

I wish you and your family a safe and prosperous New Year.

Kind regards,

Chris Norman


(Click here for the PDF version of the letter)