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Dear Families,

Welsh Government have announced that all secondary schools are to move to distance learning as from Monday 14th December. With this in mind, today (Friday 11th December) will be the last day that your child should attend our school. We will be providing online learning until 1.45pm on the last day of the Autumn Term which is Friday 18th December 2020.

Your child will have been reminded how to access their lessons remotely in their Tutor Time and we have produced a video for parents/carers to show what they should expect from next week here:

Your child should follow their normal Week 1 timetable. In rare instances, live lessons may not be possible as their teacher might be isolating with Covid-19 symptoms. If this is the case, please ask your child to use their Knowledge Organisers to self-quiz or spend the time reading.

The start of the Spring Term 2021 will be Monday 4th January 2021 for all pupils.

We are extremely proud of the standard of uniform displayed by our pupils, we thank you for your support in making this possible. We will continue this drive in the Spring Term. If you would like any support in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the school. We respectfully ask that your child does not have any new piercings over the break as they may have difficulty removing them for school when they return. Similarly, if pupils are having false nails over the break, please ensure they are removed before they return.

Almost all of our parents are using the Class Charts Parents App to keep up to date with their child’s performance in school. If you are not yet using this free service, please contact the school using so that we can set you up with a passcode.

I would also like to take this opportunity to ask that you keep your contact information up to date so that we can remain in touch. We would especially appreciate e-mail addresses.

Please be aware that we have a planned INSET Day on Monday 18th January 2021. The school will be closed to all pupils on this day.
Please continue to follow national Covid-19 guidelines next week and throughout the two week break. Thank you for your kindness and support throughout this difficult first term and on behalf of us all at Willows High School, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy Christmas break and a prosperous New Year.

Kind regards,


Chris Norman