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Dear Families,

I hope you are well. I want to start by thanking you for the amazing support you have given us as we have coped with a number of positive cases of Covid-19 across the school over the last couple of weeks. In this letter, there are a number of points that I would like to bring to your attention.


There is a staff training day on Monday 30th November which means that the school will be closed to all pupils. School will resume on Tuesday 1st December.

When pupils return on Tuesday we will be providing them with 2 new face coverings each, this should last them until the end of the term. We would be grateful if you would remind your child to bring their green ones into school, we will wash and sanitise them and use them as spares.


Updated Face Covering Guidance

The Welsh Government has updated its guidance on the use of face coverings in schools. This is based on new advice from their Technical Advisory Group.

To reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19, parents and carers should wear face coverings when visiting any school. This includes all internal; and external areas.

Our pupils will be required to wear face coverings in all areas outside of the classroom. This includes the school yard, at break times, at lunch times, on the way into school and leaving school at the end of the day. We would be extremely grateful if you could ensure that your child brings their face covering to school everyday, we now consider it part of the uniform.

Along with regular hand washing / sanitising and social distancing, these additional measures will help reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 in schools.


Temporary Canteen Closure

Unfortunately we will have had to close our catering facilities for the next two weeks. Please would you ensure that your child brings a packed lunch with them up until 14th December.








If a member of your household develops COVID-19 symptoms, please do not send your child into school and let us know via as soon as possible, night or day.

If your child is identified as a close contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, the rest of the household does not have to isolate unless your child starts to develop symptoms. However, your child will need to remain indoors and not be in close contact with anyone else for the duration of isolation (we calculate the isolation period from the last date they came in contact with a positive test case).

As a community we need to be extra careful and extra aware of doing everything we can to stop the transmission of this virus. The latest figures from Public Health Wales indicate that we are in one of the areas of Cardiff with the highest number of new cases, so we need to pull together and not become complacent.

As always, I thank you for your continued support throughout this difficult period.

Kind regards,

Chris Norman
