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Dear Parents / Carers

This will be my last letter to you this academic year and it only seems a moment ago that we were welcoming your child in September. It has been a very successful year for the school and you’ll be able to find out all about it in our new edition of The Willows Way magazine which will be available in the coming weeks.

There are a few things I would like to bring to your attention that are pertinent for the time we have remaining this year and for when we return after the summer break.

Summer Uniform

Since the start of this term we have been allowing grey tailored shorts to be worn by pupils if they so wished. We are experiencing some increases in temperature lately and I know it is important to keep cool and hydrated. Free water is available in the canteen during break time and lunchtime and there are plenty of sheltered areas for pupils to get out of the heat. I have had a number of enquiries about whether pupils can wear P.E. kit to school, my take is that this does not need to happen unless we get a sustained period of abnormally hot weather (as was the case last year), I will let you know by text and social media if this is the case.

Keeping in touch

It is important that we can get in touch with you when needed and also that you are able to keep up to date with what’s going on at the school. Please would you let us know if any of your contact details have changed, ensuring that we have a number that is available at all times during the school day. We celebrate the school through our Twitter (@willowshigh) and Facebook (@willowshighofficial) accounts and it would be great if you could follow us on one of these to ensure that you have the most up to date information.

End of Term

Our final school day is Friday 19th July, as has been the case in previous years, we will be finishing early at 12.30 pm. This will be our Sports Day so please make sure that your child has sun screen and a water bottle to keep hydrated. Please get in touch with us if you would like your child to stay with us until the end of the school day.

Next Year
The 2019-2020 Academic Year begins for all pupils on Wednesday 4th September.

Change of school times

Please be aware that the school start and end times will be changing from September. School will now start at 9.30 am and finish at 3.30 pm. We have consulted with stakeholders through questionnaire and public meeting and there has been an overwhelming positive response to these changes. The school gates will be open from 8.30 am and close at 9.27 am. We will continue to offer a free breakfast to all of our pupils. Schools that have moved their start times later have seen a decrease in illness, anxiety and other forms of mental health issues in their pupils and an increase in attendance and attainment. We will closely monitor the effects of these changes and evaluate them in the next summer term.

Parent Handbook

Our Parent Handbook 2019-2020 will be available from our website ( in the coming weeks. It will have all of the information you need for the next academic year, please download it and have a read. I would really like your support in your child attaining the Willows’ Standard for attendance which is 97%, this equates to a maximum of 6 days absence in a year and to have all pupils wearing the correct uniform including a pair of black leather shoes.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support throughout your child’s time at Willows this year. The strong partnership that exists between parents and the school is an undoubted strength and a key factor in the success of the school. Have a great summer break.

Kind regards

Chris Norman

Head Teacher